Tweak Your Water Drinking and get Oodles of BENEFITS

Refreshing drink water benefits that surprise

OODLES! That’s a good word to attach to drinking water.

So I said to myself, “Lead this blog post on drinking water benefits with oodles - it’ll make ‘em smile.”

Because you can’t help but smile or feel all squishy inside when you hear the word “oodles”, right?

When we think about another health obligation, like the benefits of drinking half your weight in tasteless water on the daily, is your response “YAY!” or “I really can’t face another day drinking 60-ounces of tasteless liquid again tomorrow.”

wellness in Water When you Travel

A healthy read that’ll make us nice-n-shiny inside & out and keep our lips looking like shriveled raisins when we get of that 4, 6, 10-hour flight.

It’s the book rec you didn’t know you wanted. {And one you may have seen slipped into this post}

This week in Travel Book-land-e-a

Prepare yourself…This GG book post won’t be paired with a wine. I know ~ blasphemy!

But for every glass of wine or any alcoholic drink, following it with a water-chaser is a crisp, refreshing idea as we age. You’ll thank me in the morning after your long day of wine tasting and sitting out on the Amavi deck overlooking the Blue Mountains.

The Walla Walla Spring Release weekend just finished, so re-hydrating is a good idea.

Sorry – I’m giving my favorite benefits of drinking water, wine thoughts derail me sometimes.

The book Quench, is by a doctor and an anthropologist based around the benefits of WATER; How much we need, how to get the most of it absorbed, and some recipes to help KEEP HYDRATED.

What are these Drinking Water Benefits?

I was on a search to change up my water drinking - because it turns out, there are better ways to “drink” water without toting around a jug that lines out when & how much to gulp through a sippy straw to stay hydrated everyday until the end of your time.😳

Turns out that water consumers float a lot of the same advice out there…

  • Drink your 8 glasses of water a day

  • Drink water before every meal to eat less

  • Don’t drink before bed

  • Drink as soon as you rise…

I’ve been a marathon water drinker for years and subscribed to the 8 glass-a-day. But four years back, I scrolled onto a book that CHANGED EVERYTHING.

Quench Book: 8 Glasses a day is not the way! I bought a new yellow highlighter + sticky-note pad after this book. This is one big-foam-finger-thumbs-up! No, more like two foam fingers.

It’s written in tandem by Dana Cohen, MD and anthropologist Gina Bria. They give medical background, case studies, + recipes in the book to set you in motion to adding oodles more water into our meat-n-bone filled skin-sheath.

Dr. Cohen writes about “gel water” and how it hydrates our cells + fascia wayyyyyy better than that glass of water alone.

She also gives tweaks we can make for those people {are you one of “those people” too?} who will never give up coffee. Alright, maybe never is a bit extreme. However, I'm about 99.97% sure that I'd need all the cocoa beans to vanish from earth, thus making coffee vanish with it, to give up my morning coffee.

Instead, here’s a tweak I now do most mornings…grab your mini spinner whip and whip a teaspoon of ghee {or butter} into your coffee cup. It slows the caffeine rush.

Morning coffee guilt averted {as if we had any guilt over it anyway}. Cheers to another cup. There are a lot of good water benefit nuggets to highlight in this book.

Oodles of water goodness in this book {Can’t help myself, it’s a fun word to write and say…oodles.}

Cliffnote takeaways to help you drink water for the benefits::

  1. Aim to drink+eat half your body weight in ounces each day {weigh 100lbs = eat/drink 50oz each day}

  2. Be religious about drinking 8-16oz first thing in the morning {yep, before coffee}

  3. Up the minerals {lemon} + electrolytes {pink or sea salt} in your water by squeezing half a lemon + adding a sprinkle of salt

  4. One word:: chia {turns your water into the gel water} start with a teaspoon in your glass

  5. Straw cup with an oversized straw {unless you have your heart set on the pink ombré Amazon jug - that’s okay too.}

  6. “Beauty Water” is a collection of mix-ins that amp up your gel water {+ wake up our tastebuds from plain water}

favorite “Beauty Water” ideas from the book::

  • Berry water {16 blueberries, raspberries or strawberries in 16oz of water}

  • Mashed pomegranate seeds {2 TB} with 1/8 tsp sea salt in 3 1/2C water

  • Add a smoothie into the day

  • Cucumbers dropped in your water cup

When we’re hydrated, our insides love us, and our outside shines too! That may sound a bit corny, but I made these little changes over four years ago, and they’ve made a gallon-size difference {without drinking gallons of water}.

Three last drinking water benefits for you::

  1. Running a business and renovating a new place in a different state is fun, but also taxing on a body. If I’m not healthy, my business and my travel STOPS.

  2. All the moisturizers, lotions, and potions won’t help our skin if we’re dehydrated

  3. Being well hydrated lifts a foggy brain {menopause symptoms can amp up the brain fog-factor}

Downside ~ I’ve worn a path from my office to the bathroom.

Have you made a change in your routine that’s made a BIG DIFFERENCE for you?

Refreshing MidLife Travels – in the literal way this time – CHEERS,


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lime flavor water, water glass
bubbly water, drinking more water
Andrea | Chapter 50

Andrea ~ A Glimpse of Good in a Mid Life Refresh

Global Gallivanter • SmileRaiser • Lifestyle Blogger • 50+ Style Enthusiast • Book Buff • WW Wine Taster • Queen of Quirky

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