Ode to Walla Walla, Washington – A Small Town Stop in February

Walla Walla Blue Mountains, Skiing, Traveling joy

Walla Walla, Washington in February

Ode to a small town on A 3-day visit

A trip to Walla Walla,
a place known for wine and gala.

But their Blue Mountains are not to be missed,
for their views and the snow-covered ski lifts.

Ski the trails and breathe the fresh air,
then return for a downtown dinner affair.

The downtown streets are lined with quaint shops,
morning cafés serving local coffee with frothy tops.

Visit Walla Walla, it’s a trip you won't regret.
And the restaurants your taste buds won’t forget.

Walla Walla, you've won back my heart,
for it’s not the same place I had grown to part.

I'll return to visit once and thrice more,
to rediscover your new places to adore.

A Poetic Walla Walla Trip

True, my poetry is a stretch. But it’s hard getting in all the feels of this visit without sounding parmesan cheesy. Dickinson or Whitman could have romanticized this Walla Walla trip with more eloquence, I’m sure.

Giving up my quill and returning to my regular word-smithing to write it in plain-speak for you.

Walla Walla, Washington – So nice – Even in February

Yes, I’m NOT Emily Dickinson when it comes to penning a publishable poem, but I CAN GIVE YOU a look at what to experience in Walla Walla in a wintry February.

A 3-day winter visit to Walla Walla, Washington::

1/ Ski Bluewood

Bluewood ski lodge is a 60-minute drive from Walla Walla. Perched in the Blue Mountains, there is plenty of snow for fun skiing, whether you’re bunnies {hill} or experts {ski jump course, steep face runs}.

The last 5-7 miles up the mountain can get snow covered + slick so be sure to check the conditions before driving up in your Fiat or Mini. 🎿

We took a day trip and won the winter jackpot with a sunny, 35º day and fresh powder. Start your day early {lifts open at 9am}, because night skiing doesn’t happen here. Last run at 4pm.

Food and drink available if you want a midday chill break. Bring a picnic lunch, ski all day with snacks in your pocket {side tip for all my fellow snackers in the room}, or warm up inside the lodge with their food and drink.

A ski day of shenanigans

2/ Downtown Walk-A-Bout

You can walk around downtown Walla Walla and enjoy the sights {and shopping} of the town any time of year. This trip took us there on a few winter-warm days in February.

Yes, “Winter-Warm” is a season. A chill in the air, but you’re comfortable exploring outdoors in your jacket with some hand-warmer coffee.

What do you explore on a Saturday/Sunday afternoon in Winter-Warm season?

  • BrewFest is back! {Walla Walla ISN’T just the best wines}. Brews and ciders from Washington, Oregon, and Idaho were out for a full day of tastings

  • Walla Walla Clothing - This is your Eileen Fisher fan stop for me! {menswear too}

  • 35th+Butter - Eclectic gifts, shoes, hats, coffee mugs, and bright fashion bracelets

  • D’Olivo for the BEST tasting - VINES DOWN - olive oils {+ fresh ingredients and kitchenware} Their tea towel quotes are hilarious. I need four rows of oven handles to hang all the good ones in my kitchen.

3/ February is Walla Walla Restaurant Month

Sample some of Washington’s best culinary deliciousness in February. Yes, their restaurants are there all year, but in February, many places offer special menus, drinks, or wine-pairing meals.

It’s the perfect month for indoor dining and trying out a new restaurant find. We all have to eat.

Saturday night, after a day of walking the town, we reserved a spot downtown at the cozy Walla Walla Pasta Factory. Cozy is code for small - teeny, really. They accept reservations, and I highly, strenuously, most-definitely suggest making one if you’re visiting on the weekend.

We’ve all been asked the salad question with our entreé before: “House or Caesar?” The Pasta Factory takes it one green-leaf further and makes a beet salad.

“House, Caesar, or Beet salad for you?” No, don’t squish your nose up. Instead, imagine thinly-sliced beets across your greens in a light vinaigrette. Your nose won’t crinkle if you try salad number 3 instead of the common fare. {Pinky-promise…unless you hate beets, then all promises are off.}

4/ Wine Tasting

Not a lot of time this trip for wine tasting, but you can always sneak in one mini stop if your heart’s in it🍷. Mine was at the L’Ecole No 41 wine bar downtown for a mini-tasting + a few bottles to tote back for later tastings.

5/ It’s a Walk in the Park

In Winter-Warm season, Walla Walla offers ample places to get your steps in for the day if you’re not a shopper {I’ve heard some people aren’t}, but you want to keep your Apple watch from chirping at you…“You can still do it”.

On this visit, I had family photos planned, and Pioneer Park always gives backdrops galore – even in the winter months.

If you want a fresh air walk that’s still within smelling distance of the coffee shops, Pioneer Park is your place! Cement paths for the squishy ground days, bird aviary to watch-n-see as you stroll, or have a swing at the playground {we’re never too old for a swinging fun time}.

And before I knew it, it was 4:00am Monday morning and we were driving to the Pasco airport, heading back to Illinois.

A mini-trip to Walla Walla, Washington in February offers PA-LENTY of activities to see – do – taste - and ENJOY.

While my less-than-good poetry can’t eloquently express it, this small town adds in full days with big fun!

Before you click, do you know friends making a trip to the Northwest? SHARE so they don’t miss this small town gem. Pin it, tweet it, share it, email it…however you like to share.

Not tripping as far as Walla Walla, Washington just yet? Catch a glimpse of these travels::

Where are you Traveling to next?

💖xo Andrea

WAIT! You’re not on the list? That has to be a mistake!

pin it for Your Next Travel Idea

Walla Walla Washington in February, L'Ecole wine, A glimpse of good travel
Walla Walla Clothing Company, Washington, A Glimpse of Good

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