Project Homecoming

You Can’t Let Go of A Family legacy

Have you ever jumped into something for sentimental reasons only to realize you had no freaking idea what exactly you’ve gotten yourself into?

Welcome to my life.

I do that - jump in the deep end of the lake without feeling how cold the lake is on a May day while simultaneously trying to remember if I can still swim!

But where family is concerned sometimes we lose logical thought right?

Our story begins in Raffadali, Sicily. There’s a Disney-esque opening line. How an Italian family came with little and showed their children what a lot of hard work can earn you over time. But in the end, the path forward is yours to make.

It’s that “over time”, a looooong time that hitches me up.

It’s been a varied and curvy path in my first five decades {isn’t it for all of us?}, but in these next years, having our children come through our revolving home door rather than underfoot, there’s a new path I’m leaping into.

I’m NOT a big risk-taker.

I DON’T have a command the room personality.

But I am a hard worker for what I want, thanks to my parents.

And while I didn’t fully know what B and I were getting into with this renovation and someday soon a vacation rental to share. {“Soon” to me is within the week. I’m learning “soon” to my contractor, subcontractors, and cabinet-maker Joe is in terms of months🤦🏽‍♀️}

I’m embracing it though. Not very well most days, but sometimes, on my yoga days, laying on my matte, willing myself to just thinking about long-deep-breaths, and not what the delay will be when I change up the kitchen stove venting design🙊

If B doesn’t strangle me, cabinet-maker Joe might.

This legacy that two people, with very little, started brings possibilities in my MidLife.


What I hope it will become…

A place where families can gather, snack on antipasto {charcuterie to the younger crowd}, drink coffee, wine, or limoncello, and enjoy the life they have IN THIS MOMENT.💖

Here’s to beginning a new path and embracing the possibilities in the middle of your life.

You still have a lot of living to do and you have a half-decade of experience to lead you through it this time.

More to the legacy COMING SOON.

Only the stories to come will be more ABOUT YOU and your MidLife adventures and possibilities than mine.


Sign up for my FREE weekly MidLife email notes for travel tips {not just to Walla Walla wine country}, iPhone camera tricks to record your family treasures, and remodel musings here-n-there {learn from my mistakes}🤪…

MidLife is a whole new chapter we have to navigate, and this one’s filled with

  • Travel & Safety Tips

  • Stylish Travel Ideas

  • iPhonography for MidLifers

  • And the silly we’re making in flipping a 1970’s home into an Italian family legacy farmhouse {without the farm}. I don’t do chickens or cows. But if you have farm fresh eggs PLEASE message me - I LOVE

Sharing a Lost legacy

So We’re Doing THis

Jump in with all the limbs and lets see what happens next.

We’ve started it and there’s no going back now!

Buttice Family Legacy, MidLife passion project

The House Grandpa Built


Walla Walla::Vacation Rental