Keeping a family legacy alive and sharing it in a vacation rental

All Because 2 People Fell in Love

Sharing a family legacy through a vacation rental

What If we bought it?

A Vacation Rental What If

What if we renovated #TheHouseGrandpaBuilt :: Lived in half of the duplex and vacation rental the other side

What if we created a little piece of Italy right next door?

What if we shared a place that Walla Walla visitors could not only rest & relax, but experience the little gems that make this little town, and what surrounds it, magnificent?

What if we created a place where guests had all the personal touches of a 5-🌟 hotel without the disturbances of a hotel?

What if you could have your coffee on the patio looking out towards the Blue Mountains, and in the evening, wine from your visits watching the open sky sunsets?

What if?

The House Grandpa Built started as a way to preserve a legacy. And now it’s evolved into sharing that legacy of a family who sailed their way across an ocean to start a new life in a foreign country {The country of opportunity they called it}.

My grandparents were given that opportunity, but they worked and worked annnnd worked to earn it!

And today, in this small town they wouldn’t even recognize anymore, has made The Map for wine enthusiasts and summer vacationer alike.

It’s the home of the Walla Walla Sweet Onion, wines-a-plenty, walking trails, mountain hikes, golf, lakes, skiing, and one of the best places to get away and relax from everything!

What if we build it…And no one comes?


Grandpa may have asked that same thing before he started his ‘little ‘ol construction business 29,456 moons ago. We never know until we give it a go.

Here we go!


Project Homecoming


Ode To A Small Town