Have You seen The Maid And Her Sweeping State of Perfection?

The Maid book, mystery book, GG book pick, book review

The Maid, and her sweeping state of perfection! Or rather, have you read The Maid in all her “state of perfection”?

“I’m Molly, Molly the maid…”

Molly Gray works at the Regency Grand Hotel, and enjoys her job of returning every room “to a state of perfection”. She gets some ribbing about this from co-workers, but is cherished by her boss for her meticulousness (plus, she’s never missed a shift).

GG Rating::🍷🍷🍷🍷out of 5 glasses

{I’m a red wine girl, but Molly would change it to a white glass from the Olive Garden.}

Before you dive eyes-first + readers into this book, I have a childhood question for you - that is, if you’re reading past my wine rating. Maybe I should start putting that at the end of each book and wine post…? 🤔


A childhood question…

As I started reading The Maid and recognizing Molly’s literal use of words, another book series popped into my head from childhood. Did you ever read Amelia Bedelia – the literal-minded housekeeper?

Totally different audiences…Amelia Bedelia is a witty wordplay to keep a child learning and loving to read so one day theyshe– can grow up and in her 50’s start their –her– own writing blog on a Chapter 50 lifestyle {travel, fashion, books and wine} for others to click into, read, and drink in words, style tips, and maybe even wine {or even crazier…maybe write theirher– own book someday}.

Brief monologuing there for a sec, with a side of dreaming too.

Yes, Amelia Bedelia and Molly leave similar-ville after the literal-speak and maids part, but funny how one book spikes a memory of an old book.

Back to The Maid.

It’s a mystery set in a posh hotel with evil drug dealers, an Olive Garden tour of Italy platters, a sweet gran, and how taking people at their literal word can wreak havoc like confetti next to a hotel room air conditioner.

Unless you have Molly on staff, then all that confetti sparkle vanishes from the room without any trace it was there. 😉 {And it’s not confetti in the rooms - you caught that, right?}

Molly The Maid

Molly struggles to recognize social skills, but has always been helped by her Gran to decipher what others’ slang or gestures are really saying.

Once Gran dies, Molly is all alone in trying to navigate her daily life and decipher how her co-workers talk to and about her.

I know EXACTLY how confused Molly and Amelia get when it comes to decoding a teenager’s language.

Last week’s text between N and I::

Me:: I got an email for your stats class that had missing work…
N:: CAP! It’s gone up since I had to finish my test.

  • Ball cap?

  • Bottle cap?

  • Cap that?

What is cap? What is he saying to me?

Molly wants to be accepted in her world, and I don’t want to feel clueless talking to my 17y/o son.🤪 #relatablebook

Molly is constantly trying to understand people and their intentions. But her life gets muddled when she goes to clean the Blacks’ penthouse room and finds Mr. Black D-E-A-D.

Let this heartwarming mystery begin.

It’s Amelia Bedelia meets the game of Clue.

Due to Molly’s straight-forward and unconventional answers, along with misunderstanding the intentions of “a friend” {her heartthrob}, the police target Molly for Mr. Black’s murder.  

It’s a heartwarming mystery {yes, mysteries can be heartwarming} with a sweet turn of friendship when Molly needs it most.

Lesson, moral, allegory, or just me ‘reading’ too much into the story…

Don’t underestimate the prowess of ANYONE.

They can give you the best of themselves,


Take you to a STATE OF RUIN with just a few insinuated words on the stand 🙊

When you underestimate Molly the Maid, you’ll miss the chance to see what she’s capable of.

If you’re reading on a Fall morning, grab a “black” cup of java for this {with a glug-glug of of half-n-half}.

For the evening read… Dusted Valley Petite Sirah Wahluke Slope with it’s BIG FINISH. You guessed it…Just like this book.

Pick up a copy of The Maid {or poke your AirPods in for a listen}.


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Local Bookstore::

Other book posts to The Maid GG wine review::

Can you read mysteries AND thrillers – or just mysteries?

💖xo Andrea

P.S. Inspiration is flowing like a sea of chocolate over on my Pinterest Boards too - are you following over there?

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The Maid book review, blank white book
Molly the Maid book review, GG book recommend
The Maid book cover, red cover, A State of Perfection review, GG books

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