7 NO Sweat Travel Workouts To Fit Into Any Trip
7 Ways to Get in a Travel Workout when you spend 7,455 hours in an airplane seat
You know that phrase, “I’ve seen it all”?
Have you seen a full kickboxing routine at Gate 18 in Terminal 3 of Chicago’s O’Hare Airport?
Me either, but who knows, I have a slew of travel hours coming this year and anything’s possible in an airport...ANYTHING!
Realistically you need SPACE to kick-box, Zumba, or do a Phoebe Run, so they don’t happen in an airport or hotel room {for me}.
But there are a lot of different exercise options to shake, shimmy, or walk at least 30-minutes during travel without being a sweaty hot mess.
First step…Ignoring the Apple watch notifications, “You can still do it!”
What my watch is really is saying to me… “A brisk 496-minute walk through the terminal and you’ll reach your goal. Get up and move! MOVE away from your glass and Gonzaga game and start pulling your carry-on down the terminal – NOW!”
“Workout” can be anything you say it is.
We have gyms, trainers, apps AND WATCHES telling us so, but at the end of the jet bridge or boat plank, as long as you’re moving for your 30-60 minutes a day – you’re winning!
Travel Workouts To Shuffle, Jiggy, Hop, Mosey, Dance, Walk, Promenade…
A little movement is better than no movement, no matter what the Apple watch screeches.
The hotel workout center is an easy go-to. If that’s you’re happy place - elliptical on my Meandering Friend!
But for your travel is without a hotel or Airbnb stays…Let’s mix things up!
Daily Workout Rotation::
Mixing my exercise routine and trying a few trends is the only way I’ve stayed consistent over the decades. Remember Jane Fonda Step Aerobics on VHS? Billy Blank’s Tae Bo kicking through the TV?📺
I wonder where Billy is now?🤔
These three + the gym are my ride-n-trip routines for over 50::
1/Walking is easiest of all
Inside on a treadmill or track, outside around the neighborhood or park, up and down your stairs at home. A brisk 30-40-minute walk and that’s a wrap.
2/Jillian Michael with the volume off
I use her kickboxing and circuit workouts. I blast my own music to drown out her yelling. It’s a bit much Jillian.
3/Yoga/HIIT Fusion to change it up
DownDog app is a subscription I’ve used for years on my phone. The app iterations have improved over the years and it offers yoga, HIIT, and meditation.
In the HIIT app you set the time, mix of target areas you want, and type of practice {rotation, circuit, HIIT and yoga fusion}
In the Yoga app set the time, type {quick flow, no warmup, full practice…}, and level
The options are endless in this app to keep from getting bored.
Travel Workout Days::
1/Walking anywhere
Anywhere, anytime, anyway you want. Phoebe ran through central park with your arms and legs flailing about, so why can’t you walk, stroll, or skip your way through the terminal.😉
Exploring the new place you’re in and getting in your steps is a triple win – walking, seeing the sights, and finding a cute coffee shop or wine bar on that walk –
2/Resistance Bands for the hotel room
They don’t take up much space in your bag and a great way to improve flexibility, strength, and range of motion.
3/Seated Scrunchy Abs Down the Freeway
That name paints the picture doesn’t it?
Seated in a chair {knees in front} or on the floor, {knees criss-cross applesauce} place your hands on your knees.
As you breathe in, straighten and tighten your abs {scrunching}
Release your abs as you exhale
Work your core by pulsing your abs {belly button} in and out 30 times
Rest and repeat at mile marker 68
Make a challenge for yourself by using the freeway mile markers to time it out for you.
4/Good Morning Workout
I love this one from Shape for a great stretch and I don’t have to sit on any floor. My floor at home, fine – I know where that dirt comes from.
Hotel floors…🤢 {Ask for extra towels for floor exercises you like to do on trips.}
5/ DownDog App Repeat
It’s on my phone {or put it on an ipad} so it comes everywhere with me. Modify the workout for your space. {And hotel towel availability 🤢}
If you’re a member of the Y at home you can visit others while you travel. Best membership for wanderer, gallivanting MidLifer.
7/ Yogago_app
This new yoga app popped up in my feed recently for it’s easy yoga and pilate moves that can be done in the room or hotel gym without equipment. The reviews are mixed, some people love this app, others not so much.
If you plunge in before me, I’d love to know what you think of it.
At the end of the travel day…
If it’s not fun, why in the world of airport carts would we keep doing it!? If you’re feeling it, then keep moving – moving it! Move a little, move a lot, or take a break today.
I’m not a personal trainer or doctor, and Hollywood hasn’t let me play one on TV. Disclaimer central…Consult your professional {insert their name here} for your own specific health.
Before you skip away…Do you have a friend who is in Midlife, wants a few travel tips, or a new way to tie that scarf she got for her birthday?
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30 video travel tips to help you travel well, light & in style
View on for two more MidLife Wellness When You Travel::
What’s your favorite way to keep moving?
💖xo Andrea
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