UN New Year’s Resolution and Mid-Life Feelings at 50+

un-resolution, mid-life feelings, yoga, sneakers

The Un… New Year’s Resolution and Feelings at 50+

🎤🎶Feelings…Nothing more than Feeeelings🎶

As soon as I typed “feelings” the Morris Albert song popped into my head. Does that ever happen to you… A song floods your memory and you can’t shake it for the ret of the day?

I doubt that exact drawling 70’s song was stuck in your head today, but I bet wine to wine glasses that a New Year’s Resolution is flickering around in your brain this week.

It’s my 52nd new year, and I’ve made close to 42 New Year’s resolutions. In some of those years, by April-ish, I’d fallen off 29-ish of those resolutions I’d voluntarily set for myself to feel like a more successful human.


Come May, I’d successfully achieved failure-ism and yet again, felt crap-tastic for not “sticking to it”.

Which brings me to…

FEELINGS + dumping the New Year’s Resolutions!

Or…The UN New Year’s Resolution.

I read somewhere that feelings are like visitors, and they come and go, just like guests in our house.

Happy can unpack their suitcase and take a drawer in the bathroom.

While Sad, Unmotivated, Craptastic feelings need not unzip said suitcase. We count the seconds for their exit as soon as they step across the “All Are Welcome” doormat.

We never welcome them into our house, but in life, feelings of all kinds unavoidable.

We’re human – therefore, we feel all the feels.

Not unlike the visiting ants/Aunts in the Geico commercial, the bad, bummer, anxious, and unaccomplished feelings grab us like the flu in January, settling in our chest and making it hard to breathe sometimes.

In our midlife, finding new purpose can feel daunting – starting All. Over. Again. – And while 50 is middle life, there is still a lot of living left to LIVE. {Don’t ever call yourself old. Middle, yes, experienced, definitely, privileged to reach 50 - no doubt, but we’re not old!!!!!!!!!!

We’re in the middle AND starting over in a lotta ways. So many feelings come along with the middle years.

We’ve moved from full-time parent into part-time Guiding Sage {but only when asked - offering your unsolicited opinion gets you eye-rolls or a placating “uh-huh”}.

The full-time Mom-ming job has slowed like our metabolism. 

With emotions ramping up –or down– at hormonal infrequency, you start questioning all over again, 

“What is the MEANING of all this?”
”What should I do now?”
”How do I make new friends, without spending all hours of the day on a pickleball court?”

Then the New Year hits and you think to yourself, “Self, this is the perfect time to start fresh and write down a list of resolutions to give me new purpose and direction again.

That’s what I need!”


STOP complicating life by adding in New Year’s Resolutions

I get it, we’re all in this middle zone that’s undefined::

>> Raising a family is reaching the finish line…years of ALL the roller coaster feels💖

>>Dropping your kids off at college…blubber crying feels + excited for them feels

>>Gal Pal nights out…stomach-crunching laughter feels

>>Spotting the first chin hair –yes, more are coming– …wide-eyed shock feels


Say you’re starting over, yet again, on a new path, in writing + photographing to bring a community of women together in their 50’s…

•Sharing style ideas for middle life
•Sharing travel tips for a freer nomadic lifestyle {or if you just need a vacation}
•ANNNND penning lifestyle posts like this one, for a twist on how to go into this 50+ life and write the next chapter ANY. WAY. THEY. WANT!!!!!!!!!!!!🎬 {another perfect use for excessive “!”}.

I get that a New Year’s Resolution seems like a perfectly sane idea to get 2024 in check –along with all the feelings you’re having {I’m with you}.

Stop the New Year’s Resolution hamster wheel,

and don’t even think about posting, “Opening New Doors in 2024” anywhere!


What brings out your HAPPY? Gives you pride? Gives you a reason to cheer? 

Then take it one day at a time without the added pressure of writing a resolution on your bathroom mirror to remind you to work out 90 minutes, 6 days a week or eat kale everyday.

START this year by SEEING yourself differently. Ya know that saying, “Change is inevitable” and seeing yourself in that change is resolution enough.

  • Seeing where something could go

  • Seeing what could be if you tried something new or changed your view

Okay, now I’m sounding all philosophically-ish and zen-master.

It’s one moment at a time –over here anyway– along with a new Passion Project in renovating and decorating #TheHouseGrandpaBuilt … Ecstatic, anxious feels, plus anticipating some grumpy, grumbling, and salty feels too. But I’m taking it one day –moment– at a time and seeing what might be.

Make this year the start of your UN NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION!

I’m aerating a bottle of L’Ecole No.41, and can’t wait to see this next chapter in life pour out.

Remember what you FEEL strongly about. That’s where your meaning is as you step –dance – sing– into your next chapter. {Hopefully your song today is more peppy than Feelings 🎶, maybe some Dolly Parton or Shania Twain😉}.

This is gonna be GOOD

Messy at times, but OH SO GOOD in all the days we’re blessed to live here on this big blue-green-and-wine-colored planet. 

Let your feelings visit –happy, sad, and blahhkk – because they’ll pack up and leave, making room for the next round of emotions tomorrow, and the Wednesday, Thursday, and Monday after that.💖

Ya know what else we want in this new year plus our Chapter 50?


You belong here, in this middle life chapter –drinking coffee in the morning and grape-filled red wine in the evenings, dressed in your flare jeans and pearl-scarf necklace, traveling to quaint small towns or reading your way through the world on your Crate and Barrel impractical suede chaise.

Click into the Chapter 50 Digest for life in these middle years – We’re just getting started…AGAIN 👇🏼 😉 👇🏼

These ARE NOT New Year’s Resolutions, only helpful ideas if you want em::

Happy New Year, You Beautiful 50+ Soul!

💖xo Andrea

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slow life, travel more, Rome Colosseum

Navigating Mid Life & the invisibility cloak–through travel, fashion, health + our share of wine

This is your place!

Smile Raiser. Globe Gallivanter. 50+ Style Enthusiast. Walla Walla Wine Taster sharing a Good Glimpse of Italian Heritage in #TheHouseGrandpaBuilt

Your first act was practice. Let’s fill your second act with
sparkle & dance
{because who doesn’t love to dance!}


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Andrea ~ A Glimpse of Good in a Mid Life Refresh

Global Gallivanter • SmileRaiser • Lifestyle Blogger • 50+ Style Enthusiast • Book Buff • WW Wine Taster • Queen of Quirky


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